Wednesday, May 19, 2010

On the road again

Just a quick note, we pulled the APC over to the side and I got some pics with my digital camera of us going through town. Everyone thought some pics now and then would be a good idea. We shall see.

We were drawing a crowd, so I had to quit taking pictures and get inside. We didn't waste ammo on Zak today, we just ran them over and kept going. And it was such a nice quiet morning until we showed up...

Time to roll out

Just received another Good News/Bad News message on the AF band radio.
We had originally been told the Blue Grass Army Depot was overrun and burnt in the 3rd week of this chaos. Seems today that is not the case. We got a message for help.
From what we gather about 100 or so people are using some of the buildings and empty 'igloos' as homes there. They set fire to the perimeters and admin buildings early on as a camouflage to make people think it had burnt.
A little history before I gotta go.
BGAD stores volatile weapons, such as Mustard gas, Sarrin gas, and other nerve agents, thus anyone from around these parts would steer clear if there was a fire there in case of leaks. Now, however, a local bandit warlord out of Richmond discovered the ruse and wants some of the weapons for himself. Not a good idea for anyone, even us, if he gets his hands on some. We are going to help, and we were also promised some supplies, as they also have several BUNKERS full of ordnance at their area. The Major says the codes they supplied were right and it doesn't feel like a trap. Me? I am as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
I am still not 100% but they need help so off I go, most of the able bodied women are holding down the fort but a few decided to come with us. (I maybe even worse, but I made sure Odessa was not coming out to this. She is a great killer of Zak, but its hard on her to shoot at humans, even now.)
They even gave Odessa the reins while we are going since she keeps her head in a crisis. I am so proud of her.
She will soon learn to hate responsibility over other peoples lives like I do.

So that's it. we are on a mercy mission, however, chatter suggests we will have some help once we get there. Several groups contacted us from the south, seems this guy from Richmond has been pissing off a LOT of people lately.
Gotta run, wish us luck, it may be days before another update.
