Monday, May 3, 2010

The Beginning, Part One.

The next few posts are my way to unwind and give you all some background of how we have survived so far.
Since I was requested by the Major to log everything in my computer, (being the resident computer guru, Watson being the electronics guru, never studied. I am more of a hobbyist. Read: Hacker) I decided to restart at the beginning…

Where were you at the day JFK was shot? The Day the Twin Towers fell? The day the World (as we knew it) ended? I like most was sitting at home. I had satellite TV and rarely if ever watched the local news. I was always on the computer. My job entailed I be there anyway. Something that fateful day told me to watch the news. As was reported here [] locally it seemed to start in Cincinnati. I have since heard it kind of happened all at once. I know I am paranoid, but sometimes they are trying to get me…
Anyway we sat there dumbfounded by the news, some of the national teams had crews in and once and a while you would get a real ‘live’ action shot. At first it did look like a riot, and then it got bad. Rumors started with a gas bomb or worse yet a viral bomb (who knows it may have been). I was a fan of the Zombie genre, as well as other horror genres also. I thought it was more Resident Evil, not Dawn of the Dead. I drove into town to see how everyone was reacting. No one seemed to care. This frightened me more than the thought of Zombies running (uh, lurching) in the streets.
I am a computer geek, but I am also a gun aficionado, I get this from my Dad who is a WWII vet. Those who know me also know I was a ‘survivalist’ type. Had a generator, emergency stuff, had all kinds of books on medicines, plants, surviving nuclear war. You know, light reading. I already had a few rifles and handguns, Odessa was a better hand gun user than even me (gritting teeth while I say that), so off into to town to max all the cards to buy ammo and stock up on non-perishables.
We tried calling Odessa’s younger brother who is in Fort Thomas, going to NKU, but all the circuits are jammed. I told her, he had seen enough movies, if anything he was heading here now.

Three days later…
We know the house we live at is not defensible no matter how well fortified. Too many windows, it’s out in a field with a clear line of sight for 100 yards in any direction. All by it’s lonesome. Cattle fencing runs all along all the property but a few strands of barb-wire won’t do much to a zombie hoard. We called Odessa’s brother in Cincinnati again, still no answer, no getting through. My brother and Mom live together in Lancaster Ohio, same thing. I don’t worry about them so much as my brother is an avid hunter and has more guns than I. He does live in town though. He will probably go to his friends place out in the words outside of town near a swamp. His buddy, Barry has more guns than both of us put together; they should be safe there for a long while. Odessa’s older brother lives about 2 miles from us and is a local judge. He’s worried but not showing his wife, who works at the local hospital. She would be in the most danger. We talk it over quietly that night and he is going to use his ‘pull’ to see what he can dig up. The local police are on high alert but thankfully nothing has happened yet.

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