Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I wanna be a fire truck when I grow up…

That’s what my cousin said one time when asked, ‘What are you going to be when you grow up?’
Short post as we get ready.

During the night the fire spread in some areas and went out in others. (Luck would have it, it rained overnight) but the wind is fierce today, putting out small blazes but making the fully established ones burn and move. People from the Depot decided to fight them, knowing in our hearts it was a trap, but if we did not, we may be out of any supplies later from the town. We took one of the APCs, (Sorry, was calling them an APV, I was wrong. APC, I stand corrected by a Guardsman that read a few of my posts.) these are in Army lingo an M113, A2 version I think he said, to run escort for the Fire Trucks we are stealing.
These APCs had seen the first Iraqi war, so they are pretty beat up.
Since the water pressure went down it is going to be fun stopping fires. Another group is taking the remaining APC out to the water treatment plant to see what they can do.
Hopefully we can stop any of the important stuff from burning. Against Katy’s and my wife, Odessa’s wishes I am going along. My leg is wrapped up tight, is stopped bleeding and the pain is manageable. I am going along for the ride to play sitting duck on the top running the .50 caliber machine gun if needed. I am a glorified navigator on this mission. I would drive but my leg won’t take it. God help me if I have to run. The only saving grace is it still has the front shield on the machine gun, the bad thing is the side and back armor is missing, so I will be hanging in the wind if it gets rough.

Wish us luck. Report back later (I hope)


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