Saturday, May 8, 2010

SuckFest 2010

Today started out so well, and turned into one big suck fest.
After hearing about a needless death of a child in the Frankfort Compound, which set my attitude early on, it just went downhill from there.

I sit typing away on the netbook after uploading the last of the beginning stories (which were stored and I forgot to get them up until now. I gotta get someone to help me with this.) with a bullet lodged in my left leg. Yeah, I already limp and now I have a gunshot wound. To the OTHER leg. John thought it was hilarious. Oh, and the entire mission today was a complete and utter disaster. I lost three men to bandits; we lost one of the 6X6’s to a Wile E. Coyote-type trap and my Humvee caught fire.
With me in it.
Yeah banner day at the ‘ol Depot. These bandits are getting under my skin (Ha. Ha. Quite literally) and as I sit here fuming I need a drink. No, no alcohol, but I would kill for a COLD Dr. Pepper. I did not think I would EVER miss McDonalds. Or Dairy Queen. KFC even.
Odessa is telling me that Katy is ready to pull the bullet out of my leg now and to stop feeling sorry for myself. Hmm, was that one of the reasons I got married? I’ll have to check my records.
So I am signing off, maybe for a few days, and will be back when I can.
Maybe when I am done being pissed and can upload a sensible report of what happened.


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