Wednesday, May 12, 2010

And the winner is…

We are now holding lotteries for time off from duties. It was either this or a strike it seems. People are just worn down. I knew it would happen, but I thought it would happen later. The schedules came up today on the dining hall walls. General bitching ensued. Funny thing is most people are doing less, but we are all rotating our jobs. Will help with the burnout and we all can step in to do things. I and Jake are suspiciously absent. Well the Major and Dad is too, but that was kinda a given. Those two are always looking at maps and talking in whispers. I have never seen Dad happier. Odessa is asking me why I am not on the list. How the Hell should I know? Ask Janet. So she did. Oh Boy.

Seems me and Jake are to be promoted. Great. Now if only we were being paid…
Anyway, Jake is going to collect as many long range weapons as he can find and start sniper classes. Me on the other hand am teaching people survival tactics. Yeah me. Well with a busted up leg and not being able to walk very well, I get to roll my happy ass around in an infirmary wheelchair. I swear to GOD (and he better be listening or whoever better be) if John calls me ‘Hot wheels’ again I will shoot him with my rifle. In the chest. So he can get bitten, rise again and I get to kill him again. Anyway. I am taking all of my lifelong paranoid knowledge (but I was riiiiight, the world ended) and passing it along. I gotta think of things to say and organize all this for Friday. Just great.

Doc says my pneumonia is better (How he can tell when I feel like shit is beyond me) and that I should rest and drink plenty of liquids, not alcohol but water, and juice if we can scavenge some up. I am using the NetBook to relay reports and a pencil and paper to make notes for class. Where to begin? I know what we need and I know where to get it. If I can get there. Well the hospital raid is still being planned. Jake and a few guys are out in a Humvee scouting the area around the hospital. They encountered no ‘bad guys’ only plenty of the walking dead. Seems between the fires and our little display of Armageddon with machine guns, we woke up the crawling populace. Jake said they number in at least a thousand, just by figuring out the square area of the parking lots and the amount of space each Z took up. Some kind of hokey math principle or something, I just think he was too lazy to count. Seems we are going to revise our hospital raiding plans. Taking more shotguns less rifles. Close quarters and oxygen cylinders not a good combination if we have to use firepower.

What else is going on? We had two van loads of people show up at our gates. They were unarmed except for 2 pistols. Three were volunteer fireman. HA! Great timing on that one, eh? Eleven more mouths to feed, but 22 more hands to help us build so it’s a good trade off. Five men and seven more women. Brings us up 107 people, 27 of which are children and not all of them are here with their families. At least the two men who are not firemen know about construction which will boost our wall manufacturing. We were planning on making some mistakes it seems with the actual mortar mix. We really need to raid the library for self help books instead of relying on the Internet.

We had our BBQ, wasn’t as good as I had hoped, but the guys didn’t think to get any steak sauce or BBQ sauce before coming back. See, the world goes to Hell when I am not around. Damn noobs. No chips or dip either. Sigh, do I gotta do everything myself?

Kelly brought back two pairs of thermal glasses from the fire department raid. He went out with them tonight and came in disgusted. Seems zombies don’t show up on thermal, being dead and all. He gave me a pair to play with while I am sitting around. They are cool; you can see people through walls, and watching them move around like orange-red ghosts. Fire companies were being issued these for the last few years because you can see through smoke with them to find people in burning buildings. I neglected to tell Kelly it WILL be mighty handy when we go bandit hunting later. I think I will tuck these and a few extra batteries away in my foot locker.

Okay, Doc says he needs to look at my leg again. See you all later.


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