Thursday, May 13, 2010

Some Days are better than Others

I have an infection running amok through me; I will be down for a while. We have no anti-biotics left, so this will be interesting. John had an idea; he is taking J.T. out with him to hit the animal hospitals looking for meds as the hospital is a suicide run at the moment. He’s a great man, and my life now rests in his hands. I shiver just thinking about it. The Doc is checking me every half hour; luckily no one else needs his attention at the moment. Odessa is of course worried, and Katy has been by with concocted ‘wives-tale’ remedies to stall the infection until or if they get some anti-biotics.

Some people have actually started to read this in their spare time. I had several questions.

*‘If you were in a Humvee roll over, how were you out the next day fighting again?’
Answer; I was stupid. I had many small abrasions, but as most people know, bruises do not show until the 3rd or 4th day in earnest. I feel like a piece of tinfoil that has been balled up and someone tried to flatten it out again with a claw hammer. That’s just the bruises. The infection feels like someone cooking you over a low temperature fire while your brain freezes.

*‘You wear glasses, how could you fight in the rain?’(The Gauntlet Entry)
Answer; Once enough water gets on them, they act like they are clean, plus, with a 50 caliber machine gun, aiming is really not accomplished all that well. Pinpoint accuracy is not its forte’.

*’Are you telling me you never got hit once sitting up there like a target? I don’t believe that.’
Answer; Superman I am not. They told me later they dug a few bullets out of the Kevlar jacket, but they were either so far away or so light an ammo, I didn’t feel it. Besides, with all the bumps and bruises, I hurt just from the ride and bouncing around on the APC. I never noticed. Seriously. I sit here now wondering about my luck. My wife always said, for me anyway, it was better to be lucky than smart. I am a case in point.

*’I saw the video, an M113 APC can mow down trees, how did a few deads stop you?’
Answer; the street was slick with the rain and zombie parts, didn’t you read it all? The tracks on the M113A2 are designed more for open country than blacktop. They slide real easy on wet pavement. Plus this one is so old the engine and transmission is pretty beat up. We need to overhaul it if we can find the parts.

I may be gone for a few days, while I am maybe I can con, er, ask Odessa to make a few posts on helpful apocalyptic household hints. Stay tuned, I have a lot of good ideas to put into play yet.


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