Saturday, May 1, 2010

May Day Ramblings

Happy May Day, or Derby Day here in Kentucky...
Well the rain has been pouring all day and the lightning flashing from the heavens to strike anything and everything. Base Camp is safe for the moment so we did not go out today to patrol and look for more resources. Spotter on the roof saw a crowd of Z's take a lightning strike and burnt to a crisp. He said it was almost like in the cartoons. They all turned black and then fell down in little crispy pieces. Seems the bandits stay in during bad weather but Zak does not care about the rain. They do seem to get confused when it thunders and cower slightly when lightning flashes in front of them. Strange that.
While I set here and after field stripping and cleaning all my weapons, checking my body armor for holes, I make my team take a much needed break. The sun's just about down but the west is turning pink even though the wind and rain still prevail. Soon we will head back south to our home, our little run to the North has netted us some resources, we made some friends and rescued some people being used as slaves by a local bandit warlord. (We made contact with some people via shortwave that had some info on some medicine in exchange for food and ammo. We had plenty of the latter, very little of the former.) We normally don't put ourselves in to danger, especially on a 'grocery getter' mission, but we can't let people suffer at the hands of other people. Worse things to suffer under we can't change.
It's nice to hear that there are other people out there are trying to keep society from complete collapse. I haven't been in Kentucky long, a few years, not a native, I came from up North. Glad I did now, I guess. My family is scattered around the country but like most folks, no contact.
Watson (well that is what we call our tech guru) has gotten sat-phones to operate and a few radios we have 'appropriated' from a Radio Shack up here. (Let's not kid ourselves, we are all looters now anyway.) Short wave is filled with all kinds of crazy stuff now a day. I hear the US government is not destroyed but hiding near where I used to live. They (whoever they are) made it to the Mountain. A few miles into the mountains above Camp David. Where I am from it is like a public secret, all the people who actually grew up there knew about it. A great hidden city built into the mountains. Concrete doors as thick as a tractor-trailer is long. Good luck to them, I guess we are on our own.
Worse news; The good 'ol US of A ain't the only ones suffering. The EU seems to be having a go at the outbreak too. China too. No word from Russia. That is if you can believe everything you hear.
I also heard some of the government big wigs were hold up at the CDC. I also heard they were capturing the early ones and transporting them there. I also heard a small tactical nuke has made a crater out of a good portion of Atlanta. At night we see all kinds of strange lights in the sky. Who knows. Us, Them, whoever them may be. What do I know? I guard people more important than me at the moment. Can't wait to get back South to my wife. We hooked up with a few groups not bent on world domination or killing you just to take what you worked hard to get. Makes me think we have a chance but dark days are yet ahead I fear. I sit here tapping this out on a solar powered netbook thinking how the whole world is suddenly 'green'.
I am also making a face while eating an MRE that is supposed to be spaghetti and meatballs. Then I think there are a whole lot of people worse off than me, most not had anything to eat in days, and not able to sleep without worry.
Just got word passed down, we are breaking camp soon and heading home. Good. I need to see my wife again, remind me I am human, well more human than these creatures I destroy. Can't say I kill'em, they are already dead. Well I will check in later, gotta help get things pulled in and pack our little convey home. More time spent stuffed into the APV at a whopping 25 miles per hour.
Oh yeah, anyone need help or anything let us know on this channel we will see what we can do for you.

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